Cell Ranger6.1, printed on 03/11/2025
This section contains tutorials for analysis of your single cell gene expression data with Cell Ranger and Loupe Browser.
Getting Started Tutorials
Series of short tutorials designed to help you install and run the Cell Ranger pipelines on your system using 10x Genomics example data.
Loupe Browser Tutorials
Quickly and interactively find significant genes, cell types, and cell substructure in your single cell data, no programming required.
Capturing Neutrophils in 10x Single Cell Gene Expression Data
A guide demonstrating how to preserve and annotate neutrophil cells from single cell gene expression data.
Analyze scRNA-Seq Data From a Publication Using 10x Software
A guide outlining how to perform single cell gene expression data analysis with 10x Genomics software, and the results 10x Genomics assays and software produce using data from the Nature publication “Single-cell transcriptomes of the regenerating intestine reveal a revival stem cell” (2019; doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1154-y).
Build a Custom Reference (cellranger mkref)
10x Genomics provides pre-built references for human and mouse genomes to use with Cell Ranger. Researchers can make custom reference genomes for additional species or add custom marker genes of interest to the reference.
Design a Custom Panel for Targeted Gene Expression
This tutorial demonstrates how to design a custom mouse gene panel and how to use 10x Genomics-developed computational tools to evaluate your panel and perform Targeted Gene Expression data analysis.