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Cell Ranger


10x Genomics
Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling

Gene Expression/Feature Barcode Technology Analysis

The 5' Chromium Next GEM Single Cell Immune Profiling Solution with Feature Barcode technology enables the analysis of gene expression, cell surface proteins (antibody), antigens, and CRISPR guides in addition to V(D)J clonotypes. The Antibody Capture, Antigen Associated Capture, and CRISPR guide RNA libraries are also referred to as Feature Barcode libraries.

Cell Ranger processes Gene Expression and Feature Barcode data from the 5' Single Cell Immune Profiling solution similar to the 3' Single Cell solution. The following pages take you to relevant sections on working with Gene Expression and Feature Barcode data. While these pages are hosted on the 3' Single Cell solution's section, they are equally applicable to the 5' Immune Profiling solution: