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Cell Ranger


10x Genomics
Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling

Understanding Cell Ranger Multi Output

This page describes the cellranger multi output file structure, specifically for 5' Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression (GEX) and V(D)J data. For video or self-directed tutorials on running cellranger multi, visit the multi tutorial page.

The output folder name is the same as the run ID you specified (e.g. sample345 shown on the multi pipeline page). The subfolder named outs/ contains the main pipeline outputs:


Contents of the outs/ folder

count Folder containing unfiltered results of 5' single cell gene expression analysis (cell-associated and background barcodes), described in the Raw Outputs section.
vdj_b Folder containing unfiltered V(D)J Immune Profiling analysis results for any B cells (cell-associated and background barcodes), described in the Raw Outputs section.
vdj_t Folder containing unfiltered V(D)J Immune Profiling analysis results for any T cell (cell-associated and background barcodes) expressing alpha-beta chains, described in the Raw Outputs section.
vdj_t_gd Folder containing unfiltered V(D)J Immune Profiling analysis results for any T cell (cell-associated and background barcodes) expressing gamma-delta chains, described in the Raw Outputs section.

web_summary.htmlRun summary metrics and charts in HTML format, described in the Web Summary page.
metrics_summary.csvRun summary metrics file in CSV format, described in the Metrics page.
countFolder containing the results of any gene-expression and feature barcode analysis, similar to cellranger count, described in the Filtered Outputs section. Contains the feature-barcode matrix that can be used to load the data onto third party tools for downstream analysis.
vdj_bFolder containing the results of V(D)J Immune Profiling analysis for any B cells, similar to cellranger vdj, described in the Filtered Outputs section.
vdj_t Folder containing the results of V(D)J Immune Profiling analysis for any T cells expressing alpha-beta chains, similar to cellranger vdj, described in the Filtered Outputs section.
vdj_t_gd Folder containing the results of V(D)J Immune Profiling analysis for any T cells expressing gamma-delta chains, similar to cellranger vdj, described in the Filtered Outputs section.