10x Genomics
Single Cell CNV
Cell Ranger DNA, printed on 02/17/2025
Release Notes for Loupe scDNA Browser 1.1
Loupe scDNA Browser 1.1.0 (2019-05-14)
New features:
- Add entries to the node legend for multisample cellranger-dna aggr runs.
- Color-code and label leaf nodes with sample names enabling easy understanding of intermediate node composition.
- For cellranger-dna reanalyze runs, allow labels to be searched from the node legend. Similarly, identify labeled nodes in the tree view.
Additional changes:
- Add a more prominent ploidy line.
- Set the default display settings as 32 nodes with linear proportion.
- Indicate noisy cells with an orange line leading to the node, instead of a red circle.
- Set the confidence threshold to 4 for Cell Ranger DNA version 1.1 dloupe files. The old threshold is still used for dloupe files from Cell Ranger DNA version 1.0.