Sequencing Requirements for De Novo Assembly

Specifications, Last Modified on January 12, 2018, Permalink

Supported Sequencers


Not Tested

Not Recommended

Sequencing Requirements

Read Read1 i7 Index i5 Index Read2
Purpose 10x Barcode + nmer + Genome Sequence Sample Index Not used Genome Sequence
Length 150 8 0 150

Read length: Supernova requires as input 2x150 base reads. Use of significantly shorter or longer reads may result in inferior assemblies. Supernova does not accept reads that are less than 125 base pairs.

Read1 contains the 10x Barcode (16 bp) + nmer (6 bp) + Genome Sequence (128 bp)

Sequencing Depth

38x-56x. Higher coverage within this range will generally give better results. Coverage higher than 56x may not improve results, and could make them worse. For highly polymorphic organisms, we recommend 56x.

Achieving Success with De Novo Assembly